Hello hello, good afternoon to all the community of Scorum, I'm super but super happy to finally start blogging, it's something I've wanted to do for a long time, but I did not dare to do it, it gave me a bit of fear but since I knew Scorum I decided to take that step forward.

After a strong training of Chest and Triceps

My name is Danny Liendo, I am 24 years old I live in Venezuela and I am passionate about fitness and sports. I am TSU in tax administration and I am currently dedicated to train people in a professional way. Every day I look for more knowledge in the area of ​​physical preparation in order to offer a better service to my clients.

Here I was doing an intensive workshop on sports nutrition

I will be contributing all my knowledge with you to part of giving exercise routines to be fit and can have a different life, remember that sports is to do health. I say goodbye for today, I hope to be successful in this new project and most importantly to create a strong bond with people who have an interest in what I will share.

Original content / User in Steemit @work.out / Playing sports means doing health.